Saturday, February 13, 2010
200 years that changed the world....
For the first time, Gapminder can now visualize change in life expectancy and income per person over the last two centuries. In this Gapminder video, Hans Rosling shows you how all the countries of the world have developed since 1809 - 200 years ago.
The interactive animations and corresponding documentation are freely available at
Further information and other videos are available from
Thursday, February 11, 2010
An analysis of President Obamas first 12 months in office.
Watch the stock market, unemployment, and Obamas approval rating change as he governs.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The latest release of LogMeIn Rescue
Director of Products, Lee Weiner, discusses the host of new features in the latest release of LogMeIn Rescue, including the ability to push email configuration settings to a remote iPhone. More info at
State aid: Commission processes record number of broadband projects following new Broadband Guidelines
Brussels, 8 th February 2010
State aid: Commission processes record number of broadband projects following new Broadband Guidelines
A record number of Member State aid measures to support the installation of broadband networks have been approved by the European Commission in 2009 since the adoption by the Commission in September 2009 of Guidelines for the assessment of broadband projects under EU state aid rules (see IP/09/1332 and MEMO/09/396 ). With a view to supporting economic recovery and the long term competitiveness of Europe, the guidelines provide an overview on how Member States can support broadband networks without unduly distorting competition in the Single Market and helped to accelerate the decision making process. Since September 2009, the Commission has endorsed almost €300 million of public funding to support the deployment of broadband networks thereby giving people and businesses better access to high and very high-speed internet and bringing Europe closer to its goal to build a knowledge-based society.
The Broadband Guidelines
As part of the European Economic Recovery Plan ( IP/08/1771 , MEMO/08/735 ), the Commission adopted Guidelines for the financing of broadband networks in September 2009 ( IP/09/1332 ). The Guidelines lay down the details on how public funding can be granted in line with the EU state aid rules for the deployment of broadband networks. The Guidelines provide a complete overview how broadband networks can be supported, ranging from measures not involving public funds (such as administrative measures) to classical state aid measures. The document provides a clear framework for both governments and industry stakeholders. It not only outlines the rules concerning aid to basic broadband networks (such as adsl, cable, wireless or satellite solutions), but also addresses the issue of investment into the new, very high speed, next generation access (“NGA”) networks.
Many European governments – as part of their economic stimulus programmes – have allocated significant amount of public funds for broadband development. The Commission itself earmarked up to €1 billion as part of the European Economic Recovery Plan to enhance broadband coverage in rural areas in all Member States. While the allocation of these funds is a choice of the Member States, the Guidelines help to channel both EU and national funds quickly and effectively ( MEMO/09/35 ).
Projects designed in line with the Guidelines allow to channel public funds to areas where private operators currently have no commercial incentives to invest and stimulate competition and choice for consumers by ensuring open access of all service providers to the subsidised networks.
T he adoption of the Broadband Guidelines has led to better-designed aid measures and an accelerated treatment, which has allowed the Commission to adopt ten decisions since September 2009.
In its decision to approve a fibre deployment project in the French department Hauts-de-Seine (see IP/09/1391 ), the Commission applied for the first time the provisions of the Guidelines regarding public service compensation for NGA projects. In this respect, the Guidelines indicate that building a broadband network can only be qualified as a public service if the network is passive, neutral, open and provides universal coverage in the territory concerned. In addition, the amount of the compensation for building the network cannot go beyond what is necessary to cover the additional costs to deploy the network in non-profitable areas.
The Commission also approved an aid scheme to encourage the deployment of NGA networks in very sparsely populated areas in Finland, that are not covered by private projects (case N388/2009 ).
In a recent German case approved in December 2009, municipalities will invest in and own specific ducts to encourage broadband deployment in underserved areas (case N368/2009 ). If such dedicated ducts are made available to broadband network operators without appropriate payment, this constitutes state aid. In this German case, such aid was found compatible, also considering that it concerned multi-fibre ducts which will allow several broadband operators to deploy their networks, thereby encouraging infrastructure based competition. In another German case (see IP/10/141 ) the Commission further clarified that, where a municipal authority is undertaking general civil works (such as digging up public roads), which can be useful also for the deployment of other utility networks (water, electricity, etc.), and allows the placement of ducts and passive infrastructure by broadband network operators at their own expense, this does not constitute state aid (case N383/2009).
In the case of Lombardy, (see IP/10/140 ) the Italian authorities decided not to limit in time the obligation of the selected operator to provide access to the subsidised ducts, in order to foster infrastructure-based competition for future investment in next-generation networks.
For an Irish scheme to provide affordable basic broadband coverage (case N607/2009 ), it was possible to use the simplified procedure for the assessment of certain types of state aid cases ( IP/09/659 ). As a consequence, the Commission was able to approve a project within one month from the notification date.
In Cyprus, in a nationwide broadband project, the Government decided to divide the so-called "white areas" (currently underserved by broadband) into five regions, establishing that no single operator can win tenders to operate in all of these regions. Thereby the Cypriot authorities aimed to foster competition and encourage alternative operators to also benefit from the state aid measure (case N423/2009 ).
In all these decisions, the Commission stressed the need for awarding aid through public tenders, opening infrastructures to all operators on a technologically neutral basis and minimising distortions of competition through a thorough market research and consultation with existing operators. See annex for the list of decisions approved since 30 September 2009.
Annex – The list of Commission decisions on state aid to broadband since 30 September 2009
Commission decision Member State Decision Date Decision text
N 331/2008 Réseau à très haut débit en Hauts-de-Seine
N 172/2009 Broadband development in Slovenia
N 418/2009 Northern Ireland
United Kingdom
N 607/2009 Rural Broadband Scheme
N 423/2009 Broadband infrastructure deployment in Cyprus
N 323/2009 Broadband Asturia
Not yet published
N 388/2009 High-speed broadband pilot projects in Finland
N 368/2009 Amendment of the State aid broadband scheme N115/2008
Not yet published
N 383/2009 Amendment of broadband in the rural areas of Saxony, Germany
Not yet published
N 596/2009 Broadband Lombardy
Not yet published
State aid: Commission processes record number of broadband projects following new Broadband Guidelines
A record number of Member State aid measures to support the installation of broadband networks have been approved by the European Commission in 2009 since the adoption by the Commission in September 2009 of Guidelines for the assessment of broadband projects under EU state aid rules (see IP/09/1332 and MEMO/09/396 ). With a view to supporting economic recovery and the long term competitiveness of Europe, the guidelines provide an overview on how Member States can support broadband networks without unduly distorting competition in the Single Market and helped to accelerate the decision making process. Since September 2009, the Commission has endorsed almost €300 million of public funding to support the deployment of broadband networks thereby giving people and businesses better access to high and very high-speed internet and bringing Europe closer to its goal to build a knowledge-based society.
The Broadband Guidelines
As part of the European Economic Recovery Plan ( IP/08/1771 , MEMO/08/735 ), the Commission adopted Guidelines for the financing of broadband networks in September 2009 ( IP/09/1332 ). The Guidelines lay down the details on how public funding can be granted in line with the EU state aid rules for the deployment of broadband networks. The Guidelines provide a complete overview how broadband networks can be supported, ranging from measures not involving public funds (such as administrative measures) to classical state aid measures. The document provides a clear framework for both governments and industry stakeholders. It not only outlines the rules concerning aid to basic broadband networks (such as adsl, cable, wireless or satellite solutions), but also addresses the issue of investment into the new, very high speed, next generation access (“NGA”) networks.
Many European governments – as part of their economic stimulus programmes – have allocated significant amount of public funds for broadband development. The Commission itself earmarked up to €1 billion as part of the European Economic Recovery Plan to enhance broadband coverage in rural areas in all Member States. While the allocation of these funds is a choice of the Member States, the Guidelines help to channel both EU and national funds quickly and effectively ( MEMO/09/35 ).
Projects designed in line with the Guidelines allow to channel public funds to areas where private operators currently have no commercial incentives to invest and stimulate competition and choice for consumers by ensuring open access of all service providers to the subsidised networks.
T he adoption of the Broadband Guidelines has led to better-designed aid measures and an accelerated treatment, which has allowed the Commission to adopt ten decisions since September 2009.
In its decision to approve a fibre deployment project in the French department Hauts-de-Seine (see IP/09/1391 ), the Commission applied for the first time the provisions of the Guidelines regarding public service compensation for NGA projects. In this respect, the Guidelines indicate that building a broadband network can only be qualified as a public service if the network is passive, neutral, open and provides universal coverage in the territory concerned. In addition, the amount of the compensation for building the network cannot go beyond what is necessary to cover the additional costs to deploy the network in non-profitable areas.
The Commission also approved an aid scheme to encourage the deployment of NGA networks in very sparsely populated areas in Finland, that are not covered by private projects (case N388/2009 ).
In a recent German case approved in December 2009, municipalities will invest in and own specific ducts to encourage broadband deployment in underserved areas (case N368/2009 ). If such dedicated ducts are made available to broadband network operators without appropriate payment, this constitutes state aid. In this German case, such aid was found compatible, also considering that it concerned multi-fibre ducts which will allow several broadband operators to deploy their networks, thereby encouraging infrastructure based competition. In another German case (see IP/10/141 ) the Commission further clarified that, where a municipal authority is undertaking general civil works (such as digging up public roads), which can be useful also for the deployment of other utility networks (water, electricity, etc.), and allows the placement of ducts and passive infrastructure by broadband network operators at their own expense, this does not constitute state aid (case N383/2009).
In the case of Lombardy, (see IP/10/140 ) the Italian authorities decided not to limit in time the obligation of the selected operator to provide access to the subsidised ducts, in order to foster infrastructure-based competition for future investment in next-generation networks.
For an Irish scheme to provide affordable basic broadband coverage (case N607/2009 ), it was possible to use the simplified procedure for the assessment of certain types of state aid cases ( IP/09/659 ). As a consequence, the Commission was able to approve a project within one month from the notification date.
In Cyprus, in a nationwide broadband project, the Government decided to divide the so-called "white areas" (currently underserved by broadband) into five regions, establishing that no single operator can win tenders to operate in all of these regions. Thereby the Cypriot authorities aimed to foster competition and encourage alternative operators to also benefit from the state aid measure (case N423/2009 ).
In all these decisions, the Commission stressed the need for awarding aid through public tenders, opening infrastructures to all operators on a technologically neutral basis and minimising distortions of competition through a thorough market research and consultation with existing operators. See annex for the list of decisions approved since 30 September 2009.
Annex – The list of Commission decisions on state aid to broadband since 30 September 2009
Commission decision Member State Decision Date Decision text
N 331/2008 Réseau à très haut débit en Hauts-de-Seine
N 172/2009 Broadband development in Slovenia
N 418/2009 Northern Ireland
United Kingdom
N 607/2009 Rural Broadband Scheme
N 423/2009 Broadband infrastructure deployment in Cyprus
N 323/2009 Broadband Asturia
Not yet published
N 388/2009 High-speed broadband pilot projects in Finland
N 368/2009 Amendment of the State aid broadband scheme N115/2008
Not yet published
N 383/2009 Amendment of broadband in the rural areas of Saxony, Germany
Not yet published
N 596/2009 Broadband Lombardy
Not yet published
broadband projects,
European Commission
Saturday, February 6, 2010 eerste site over alle 7.000 Nederlandse plaatsen
De site is de eerste site die informatie over alle 7.000 Nederlandse plaatsen overzichtelijk op één plek presenteert. Alle plaatsen hebben een eigen homepage. Men kan er informatie vinden over onder meer naamsverklaringen, geschiedenissen, bezienswaardigheden, evenementen, natuur en recreatie, musea, lokale links en literatuur.
Initiatiefnemer Frank van den Hoven: "Er zijn duizenden boeken en websites over geschiedkundige en toeristische onderwerpen zoals kerken, kastelen, molens, watertorens, pontjes, buurtschappen, natuurgebieden en wat al niet meer. Het is tijdrovend om uit al die bronnen je informatie te halen als je alles over één specifieke plaats wilt weten. vat alles per plaats overzichtelijk samen op één pagina. Het doel is de rijke cultuurhistorie en de schoonheid van ons eigen land te laten zien, en daarmee mensen te stimuleren vaker "uit in eigen land" te gaan. Na enkele regionale boeken te hebben geschreven, heb ik besloten alles op één site te zetten. Dat is in tegenstelling tot een boek gratis voor iedereen te raadplegen. Een ander belangrijk voordeel ten opzichte van een boek is dat wij het dagelijks met actuele gebeurtenissen aanvullen."
Van den Hoven reist dagelijks door het land om plaatsen en hun bezienswaardigheden te ontdekken en op de site te beschrijven. De streken Zuid-Limburg, West-Brabant, Krimpenerwaard en Lopikerwaard, die hij eerder gedetailleerd in boekvorm heeft beschreven, zijn al in de site verwerkt. De rest van het land volgt later in het jaar.
Tientallen lokale en thematische specialisten werken samen met Van den Hoven aan de opbouw van de site. Tegelijkertijd werken zij aan de ontwikkeling van een 12-delig "Aardrijkskundig woordenboek van Nederland". Eén deel per provincie. Zo'n naslagwerk is voor het laatst verschenen in 1851 en Van den Hoven vindt het na 160 jaar hoog tijd voor een herziene versie. Want het Nederlandse landschap is immers vooral sinds de tweede helft van de 19e eeuw drastisch veranderd. Nadere informatie over het hoe en waarom van dit project, vindt u op
Lenovo zet vol in op nieuwe markten
Dankzij de groei (het derde groeikwartaal op rij) bereikte Lenovo een wereldwijd marktaandeel van 9 procent, het hoogste ooit.
De omzet nam in het afgelopen kwartaal met 33 procent toe tot rond 4,8 miljard dollar (ook een record) en de winst voor belastingen kwam uit op 94 miljoen dollar.
Notebooks en desktops
De notebook omzet nam met 46 procent toe tot 3 miljard dollar, 62 pocent van de totaalomzet. Tegen de markttrend in namen ook de desktopverkopen met 18 procent toe, ofwel 36 procent van de totaalomzet.
John Spooner, analist bij Technology Business Research, stelt in zijn rapport dat Lenovo's kwartaacijfers aantonen dat de fabrikant bezig is om in snel tempo terrein te winnen in de consumenten en soho-markten in opkomende landen, terwijl het zich elders goed staande weet te houden in de zakelijke markt.
Volgens Yang Yuanqing, CEO van Lenovo was zijn bedrijf het afgelopen jaar de snelst groeiende pc-fabrikant ter wereld. Computers blijven een belangrijke productlijn, maar Lenovo zet voor toekomstige groei ook in op mobiele internetapparatuur.
Met de aangekondigde overname van een aandelenpakket van Lenovo Mobile Communication Technology van een groep investeerders wil Lenovo een grotere greep krijgen op de snel groeiende markt voor mobiel internet in China
TBR stelt dat de IdeaPad-lijn Lenovo's groeimotor is, maar ook bezig is om nog lager geprijsde apparatuur te ontwikkelen voor klanten op het Chinese platteland en elders.
Volgens Spooner richt Lenovo zich daarbij op het toevoegen van niet op Windows en/of Intel gebaseerde draadloze apparatuur, waaronder mobiele telefoons en netbooks.
Een goed voorbeeld daarvan is de enkele weken geleden geannonceerde "LePhone" , een smartphone voor de Chinese markt, voorzien van een 3,7 inch display, Android OS en Qualcomm's Snapdragon chipset .
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Morocco to launch $2.5 bln high-speed train line
Morocco will start building a high-speed railway linking Tangier to its commercial capital Casablanca, the Transport Ministry said on Monday.
High-speed trains, like this Alstom TGV, will be used on the new railway between Casablanca and Tangiers
"The work to build the high-speed train line between Tangier and Casablanca will be launched this year and the line service would begin in December 2015," it said.
The train project is part of a huge railway upgrade scheme stretching over six years and beginning this year, the ministry said.
"The high-speed train project would cost 20 billion dirhams (US$2.47 billion), of which half will go for the line infrastructure and 5.6 billion for railway equipment while the remaining 4.4 billion will be spent in the rolling stock," it added.
The ministry did not say from which foreign firms it would buy the trains and other equipment needed to build and service the planned line.
Industry sources in Rabat said they believed that French railway operator SNCF, heavy engineering group Alstom SA and Bombardier Inc were among the foreign companies vying for part or all of the project.
The Transport Ministry said the Tangier-Casablanca project is part of a large plan to expand and upgrade the country's railway infrastructure at a total cost of 33 billion drihams.
Government officials said the railway project dovetailed a government effort to bolster economic growth and fight the impact of the global economic slowdown.
The government plans to expand investment spending 20.4 percent this year to spur economic growth of 3.5 percent and offset the impact of the downturn in its main trade partners, mostly in Europe, the officials added.
The government estimates the economy grew by more than 5 percent last year, almost the same rate as the previous year, as the country garnered its largest cereals crop in 50 years.
The farming sector accounts for up to 17 percent of Morocco's gross domestic product and is the main employer.
Early last month, the state forecasting High Planning Commission had said it expected the cereals harvest to fall to at least 7 million tonnes this year from 10.2 million tonnes in the previous crop.
High-speed trains, like this Alstom TGV, will be used on the new railway between Casablanca and Tangiers
"The work to build the high-speed train line between Tangier and Casablanca will be launched this year and the line service would begin in December 2015," it said.
The train project is part of a huge railway upgrade scheme stretching over six years and beginning this year, the ministry said.
"The high-speed train project would cost 20 billion dirhams (US$2.47 billion), of which half will go for the line infrastructure and 5.6 billion for railway equipment while the remaining 4.4 billion will be spent in the rolling stock," it added.
The ministry did not say from which foreign firms it would buy the trains and other equipment needed to build and service the planned line.
Industry sources in Rabat said they believed that French railway operator SNCF, heavy engineering group Alstom SA and Bombardier Inc were among the foreign companies vying for part or all of the project.
The Transport Ministry said the Tangier-Casablanca project is part of a large plan to expand and upgrade the country's railway infrastructure at a total cost of 33 billion drihams.
Government officials said the railway project dovetailed a government effort to bolster economic growth and fight the impact of the global economic slowdown.
The government plans to expand investment spending 20.4 percent this year to spur economic growth of 3.5 percent and offset the impact of the downturn in its main trade partners, mostly in Europe, the officials added.
The government estimates the economy grew by more than 5 percent last year, almost the same rate as the previous year, as the country garnered its largest cereals crop in 50 years.
The farming sector accounts for up to 17 percent of Morocco's gross domestic product and is the main employer.
Early last month, the state forecasting High Planning Commission had said it expected the cereals harvest to fall to at least 7 million tonnes this year from 10.2 million tonnes in the previous crop.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
An analysis of President Obamas first 12 months in office.
Watch the stock market, unemployment, and Obamas approval rating change as he governs.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sociaal-Economisch Raad (SER) te Den Haag kiest voor Compello
Medio 2010 zal een grootschalige renovatie van het gebouw van de Sociaal-Economische Raad aan de Bezuidenhoutseweg te Den Haag plaatsvinden. Gelijktijdig met deze renovatie heeft de Sociaal-Economische Raad zich voorgenomen het huidige serverpark en de werkstations te gaan vervangen. Uitgangspunt is een nieuwe IT omgeving te realiseren waarin medewerkers voorzien worden van middelen om de dagelijkse werkzaamheden zo optimaal en efficiënt mogelijk te kunnen uitvoeren. Tevens moet een IT omgeving ontstaan waarin de beheerinspanningen worden verlaagd en daarmee ook de beheerkosten (TCO).
In samenspraak met het hoofd ICT van de SER is een ontwerp gemaakt voor een toekomstvaste en flexibele IT omgeving die een schaalbare oplossing biedt voor de korte en middellange termijn. De toegepaste concepten zijn virtualisatie, server based computing, workspace management en een storage area network. Allen gebaseerd op bewezen technologieën en standaarden die garant staan voor een beheersbare IT omgeving die naadloos aansluit op de huidige situatie bij de Sociaal-Economische Raad.
Over Compello:
Compello is een landelijk opererende ICT-dienstverlener die alleen met bewezen kwaliteit opereert. Hierbij wordt technische kennis gecombineerd met een bewezen project- en beheermethodiek. De absolute top, maar wel voor ieder bedrijf beschikbaar.
Compello verstaat de kunst om tegen fixed price en mèt resultaatgarantie bedrijfsprocessen met behulp van ICT efficiënter te laten verlopen. Hierbij worden specialisten op het gebied van de Informatie- en Communicatietechnologie ingezet. We geloven in standaardisatie en richten ons op de bedrijfscontinuïteit. We zijn in staat om in begrijpelijke taal over de beste oplossingen te spreken.
Compello heeft een duidelijke klant focus waarbij wij ons richten op:
* Informatie;
* Centralisatie;
* Bedrijfscontinuïteit.
Hierbij moet gedacht worden aan oplossingen op onder andere het gebied van application delivery, virtualisatie, Windows infrastructuren en Microsoft SharePoint.
ORTEC versterkt positie in Frankrijk met overname BlueKaizen
Met de overname van BlueKaizen verstevigt ORTEC haar marktpositie en wordt het de grootste partij binnen de Franse markt voor geavanceerde plannings- en optimalisatiesoftware. “We zijn erg blij onze positie in de Franse markt te kunnen versterken door het binnenhalen van een groep ervaren mensen, klanten en optimalisatietechnologie voor afvalbeheer”, zegt Michael van Duijn, Vice-President Business Strategy van ORTEC. “Afvalmanagement is een groeiende markt: wij schatten in dat de Europese afvalmarkt goed is voor circa 100 miljard euro.”
“Deze transactie stelt ons tevens in staat onze positie binnen de Franse markt voor buitendienstservices uit te breiden. Zowel ORTEC als BlueKaizen heeft veel ervaring met het leveren van oplossingen voor personeeloptimalisatie aan bedrijven met werknemers in de buitendienst”, aldus Michael van Duijn. “De meeste dienstverleners maken nog altijd gebruik van handmatige planningsmethoden (met pen en papier) om efficiënte werkschema's en routes op te zetten voor hun personeel in de buitendienst. ORTEC kan deze organisaties ondersteunen door hun planningsprocessen te optimaliseren, zodat ze hun klantenservice kunnen verbeteren én winstgevendheid vergroten.”
Bestaande klanten van BlueKaizen, zoals La Poste, Saur, RFF, Veolia en Coved, zullen profiteren van de inspanningen die ORTEC levert op het gebied van klantenservice, de investeringen die worden gedaan in Research & Development (R&D), en het brede scala aan software-oplossingen en professionele services van ORTEC. Olivier Trullier, Vice-President van BlueKaizen, licht de voordelen toe: “Door een onderdeel te worden van een stabiele en grotere groep, kunnen wij profiteren van de mondiale aanwezigheid van ORTEC voor onze afvalmanagement-oplossing, maar ook van de kennis en ervaring die ORTEC in huis heeft. We kunnen nu informatie uitwisselen met de teams van ORTEC voor Operations Research, Consulting, R&D en Software-ontwikkeling. We hebben hetzelfde DNA. De oplossingen en activiteiten van BlueKaizen zijn vergelijkbaar met die van ORTEC en zijn tegelijkertijd aanvullend.. Beide bedrijven zijn expert op het gebied van optimalisatietechnologie en bieden standaard en op maat gemaakte softwareoplossingen.”
“Ik ben erg blij dat we het Franse team uitbreiden en versterken. Ook kijk ik ernaar uit samen te werken met de mensen van BlueKaizen. In feite zijn we daar al mee begonnen”, zegt Bernard van Oudenaarden, Vice-President van ORTEC France. “We zijn nu op zoek naar een groter kantoor in Parijs om de twee teams zo snel mogelijk te kunnen integreren.”
BlueKaizen is niet het eerste bedrijf in Frankrijk dat wordt overgenomen door ORTEC. In 2007 nam ORTEC Inovia over, een bedrijf gespecialiseerd in software voor resource-optimalisatie op basis van constraint-based programmeertechnologie. “Zoals u kunt zien, blijven we uitkijken naar zakelijke mogelijkheden om onze positie in Frankrijk te versterken”, aldus Michael van Duijn van ORTEC.
ORTEC is een van de grootste aanbieders van geavanceerde softwareoplossingen en consultancydiensten voor planning en optimalisatie. De ORTEC producten en diensten leiden tot optimale rit- en routeplanning, belading van voertuigen en pallets, personeelsinzet, vraagvoorspelling en logistieke netwerkplanning. ORTEC biedt zowel stand-alone, alsook maatwerk en SAP®-gecertificeerde oplossingen, ondersteund door strategische partners. ORTEC heeft meer dan 1250 klanten wereldwijd, 700 werknemers en verschillende kantoren in Europa, Noord-Amerika en Zuid-Oost Azië. Meer informatie:
Dubai may spend 'billions' on airport expansion
With aviation generating as much as 25% of the emirate's economy, Dubai plans to press ahead with expanding its current airport and building a new one.
'Dubai's vision, attitude towards airport infrastructure is that if you constrain, the growth will go elsewhere,' he told the news service. 'So we are not going to constrain that growth.'
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